Keep Clarke County Conservative! 

Clarke County, Virginia remains a small and beautiful gem amidst encroaching Northern Virginia growth. Our Towns of Berryville, Boyce, and White Post communities have retained their small town and rural charm due to longstanding conservative policies including restrictive land use policies, fiscally responsible management of governmental budgets, and close community ties between their law enforcement officers, medical first responders, government officials, and the citizens of the county and towns. Our local Republican unit strives to discover, elect, and support conservatives whose positions align with these principles and those of the Republican party.

Welcome to the Clarke County Republican Committee.

Whether you're a longtime politico or just dipping your toe in political waters, you're welcome to our meetings! We typically hold a monthly business meeting on the first Thursday of each month at the Clarke County General District/Juvenile & Domestic Relations Courthouse at 104 N. Church Street, Berryville, VA 22611 at 7:00 p.m. These meetings are open to the public, but only members can formally participate in votes and meeting discussions. Our committee has numerous subcommittees to support the principles of the Republican Party of Virginia that you may be interested in participating in, even if you decide not to become a member. 

Learn More About Our Committee.

This website has tons of information for you to learn more about the committee, local politically charged issues affecting Clarke County, our Republican-endorsed elected officials and candidates, and about ways you can get involved. We believe in limited government because we believe local communities should support themselves instead of government. Get to know your fellow Clarke County citizens, their businesses, their houses of faith, their nonprofit organizations, and their governmental officials by engaging our committee. We value you, your time, your talent, and your treasure to support candidates who share the principles we believe in.

Berryville Clarke County General District Court



Clarke County, VA